Sunday, 11 October 2015

Feathers and The Platinum

Hello friends
Feathers are in!  I do smile when I read trend reports/articles,
I'm not sure feathers have ever been out!
But it has allowed me to share this card with you today that features
two lots of feathers, the smaller blue ones are Feathers On The Wind
and the larger ones, cut from foil sheets are Birds Of A Feather -
cut using the Platinum and the new Contour steel rule dies.
And hopefully this brings me neatly onto chatting about the Platinum machine
and to answer some further questions that I've received
through my blog and email.
What plates comes with the Platinum machine?
You receive the junior sized plates with the machine,
these are slightly larger than A5 - two cutting plates, a tan mat and a embossing plate.
These junior plates work perfectly work the majority of wafer thin 
Are there larger cutting plates available?
Yes, A4 cutting plates are available, known as XL plates -
they measure 8.5" x 12.25" and are here.
What about a larger tan mat and embossing plate?
These are currently in production and due to arrive, I will certainly keep
you posted with regard to this.
What is the magnetic platform?
This is used to keep dies in place, especially when you want to
align with patterns or phrases on cardstock.
It measures about 6.5" x 8.6"
This is available here.
I should mention the magnets are strong and could be harmful to pacemakers.
I'm using the magnetic platform a lot,
it really speeds things up and no need for removable tape.
That boy of mine has the Platinum machine, accessories and dies all
available on the website - he's been stocking up...
we're living on beans on toast! ;)
I hope that helps, please feel free to message me with any further questions.
Take care friends.


  1. Hello Christine
    I have some old Spellbinder Peacock Feather Dies ,I thought these were out of fashion! But seems I need to get them out again!
    Thanks for the machine info !
    Take care
    Love Marg

  2. Hi Christine, Lovely card . love Jean Z xxx

  3. Lovely card Christine, enjoyed your show on craft channel yesterday where you used the feathers. I hope you have a god day xx hazel

  4. Gorgeous card today Christine, something a little bit different. I am torn about the Platinum machine - do I need to replace my Grand Calibur? but I know it cuts the deep dies. Oh decisions, decisions.
    Enjoy your Sunday and a safe journey home.
    Take care

  5. Morning Christine,
    A lovely card. Hope you had a good day yesterday and enjoying a relaxing day today.

  6. Hi Christine, A lovely card, the feathers are so effective. Thank you for the information on the Platinum, although I'm still wanting to know what I need for the M-bossabilities and 3D embossing folders, as I know that I need different plates, but can't seem to find what plates I need for these ???
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  7. Hi Christine, A lovely card, the feathers are so effective. Thank you for the information on the Platinum, although I'm still wanting to know what I need for the M-bossabilities and 3D embossing folders, as I know that I need different plates, but can't seem to find what plates I need for these ???
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Lovely card. Thanks fir the information on the Platinum. Hope you had a good day yesterday

  9. Lovely card today Christine, I think feathers have always bee popular, so not sure where they get their info from, do you!
    Hope you and Mum have had a lovely day in the New Forest. Fab weather again.
    Janice x

  10. Hello Christine,
    This feather card is beautiful. I love everything about it.
    I don't think I can justify getting the Platinum machine, but you never know, if I win the lottery!!!!
    Maureen xxx

  11. Hi Christine. What a lovely card, I didn't realise feathers had gone "out" either : ) I live the gorgeous background too. Take care x
