Thursday, 26 November 2015

Winner - November Charity Kit

Hello friends

Stopping by with an important announcement today -
if you ordered a November Charity Kit then please rummage...
you should find a ticket and this is the winning number!

If you are the lucky winner then please email your address details to

Goodies consisting of dies, stamps, adhesive and more will then
be whisked out to you.

So this time next month it will be Boxing Day...really!!
Every year it creeps up and suddenly it's here.
I have to confess I have only purchased one Christmas pressie 
so far and it is for...

And it just happens to be hidden away in this cupboard...

I'm not sure if she can stay there until Christmas :)

How's your festive planning going?

Take care friends.


  1. Hi Christine
    Oh my ,you have really brought it home to me how close Christmas is, just one month away eeks , i had better get a move on, just 3 more presents to get and i intend to write out my cards today to see if i need to make any more { i always seem to forget someone } .
    Who are you trying to kid Christine , Bella is much to clever , she knows she has treats in that cupboard lol.
    Congrats to your lucky winner.
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  2. Thank you Christine, I've just checked my raffle ticket and I have the winning number, a lovely surprise.
    I love the intuition that dogs have, Bella just knows that present is for her, I wonder how long she will guard it for.
    Thank you again,
    Chris xx

  3. Hi Christine,
    Congratulations Christine on winning .
    Christmas is coming so fast now, I really must make a start.
    Lovely photo of Bella,she is a very clever girl.
    Take care. x.

  4. Hi Christine, I cannot believe Christmas is so close this year as gone so fast. Congrats to Christine on winning. love Jean Z xxx

  5. My festive planning !! non existent at the moment. :-(
    I think Bella will have to be very patient!
    Congratulations to the winner

  6. Congratulations Christine, enjoy your prize!
    Lovely picture of Bella. Just a couple more presents to get then I'm all done. I'm meeting a friend in Bluewater on Monday, so hoping to get them there. It really isn't that far away now.
    Janice X

  7. Hello Christine
    Congratulations to Christine.
    Festive planning??!! We have just started to rehearse our Christmas production at work so that is taking priority as usual. Once all the cotumes are complete I can concentrate on my family festivities but I have bourght a Christmas pud!
    I really hope Bella doesn't sit there til Christmas, I'm afraid I would cave in and give her the gift!
    Take care
