Sunday, 27 December 2015

Leftovers anyone?

Hello friends

Well how did our festivities go?
I feel like I've emerged from a cooking marathon
but all enjoyable.  
As for the food  - I'm pretty sure I've eaten half a turkey all by myself,
(although I think Bella may have helped me out a little bit).

Bella finally got her stocking on Christmas morning ...

She was a very happy pup indeed!

Now it's the leftovers which I do enjoy.
Today teaming the cold turkey and gammon with ....chips!
Not quite the traditional Sunday dinner but in for a penny and all that...

Now to announce the pegs winner...

and it is ANN who commented....

Loving the pegs what a great idea a clip board for each day 
oooooh I would find that so useful as at this time of year 
I am meeting myself coming back as my dear old Mum used to say lol.............

Congratulations Ann, please email your address to

Take care friends - I'll be back soon,
working on a new Charity Kit.


  1. Morning Christine, Ditto !! I have eaten far, far, far, too much, I need to get some 'willpower' hahaha. The cold cuts and 'chips' sound great to me !!
    I love, love, love, the piccie of Bella waiting so patiently for her Christmas stocking, she is so gorgeous.
    Congratulations to Ann, enjoy your pegs, I know you will find them so useful.
    Enjoy your day today. The sun is trying to come out here, my fingers are crossed.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  2. Good morning Christine
    Yes I have emerged from the kitchen slightly larger than when I went in. The fridge is still groaning with food so I am going to visit the BBC food website for some ideas of what to do with the left overs.
    Congratulations to Ann.
    Off now to have a play with my Crafty Christmas present from my children.
    Enjoy your day

  3. Good Morning Christine!
    I love the photo of Bella waiting!
    Well done to Ann too!
    We had Chicken and that was with chips yesterday!
    Roast Beef today normal Sunday dinner!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  4. Hi Christine, Going to Daughters today for a goulash Yum Yum.

  5. Hi Christine
    Had the Sis in law for Christmas , she has just gone back to South Wales ,i feel shattered with all the cooking ,but it was worth it .
    We are having Beef curry tonight ,not a usual Sunday roast but hey ho i am sure we will enjoy it.
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  6. Hi Christine,
    Lovely photo of Bella.
    Congratulations to Ann.
    I think we have all eaten far to much,but I am sure that's what Christmas is for.
    Enjoy the rest of the holiday. x.

  7. Glad you had a lovely Christmas. Lovely photo of Bella x xhazel

  8. Morning Christine,
    Good to hear you had a good Christmas, Love the photo of Bella.

  9. Glad you had a good Xmas Christine, it's been busy this end aswell and thank goodness I'll be back on a diet soon lol x

  10. Pleased to hear your Christmas went well Christine. I'll be glad when the food has all been eaten!
    Congratulations to Ann.
    Janice x

  11. Glad Christmas went well If you're anything like me you don't mind doing it all - I just worry that everything is cooked properly I had a very lazy Christmas this year - no cooking! Those pegs are such a good idea I must get to Range and get some for me and MIL

  12. Congratulations to Ann. Love pic of Bell! I love leftovers! xxx
