Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Very Vintage

Hello friends

A vintage project today that I created for the Spellbinders blog last week.

The project needed to use steel rule dies and fabric, I used Scoop Pocket and
Floweret Posies.  My fabric was from The Range (a small craft pack)
and some felt from my odd fabric box - yes I have one of those too!

I liked the idea of popping a gift inside of bath salts or perhaps garden seeds.

You can view the complete tutorial here.

I was also really happy to see a very old plate 
(previously owned by my Aunt Sally)
matched my design perfectly! 
I've been trying out different photography techniques
using props from the home - Bella may earn her keep yet!

Take care friends - please stop by tomorrow.


  1. Morning Christine and boys.
    Thank you a very pretty little project.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  2. Hi Christine
    Oh what a pretty gift for a special friend it's beautiful.(must look in my fabric box.)
    Jan x

  3. Beautiful little gift idea Christine x xhazel

  4. Such a pretty gift idea.

    Congrats to the winner yesterday.


  5. So very, very pretty, loving the fabric.
    Elaine H X

  6. Morning Christine,
    A very pretty project.

  7. Hello Christine
    Love the Fabric and the plate, I have a thing for Roses thats why I love Altenew Stamps!
    Beautiful Christine!
    Love Marg

  8. Loving this, such a great idea, so vintage and such a fun idea...plate is nice too xx LOL x

  9. Lovely project.
    Thank you for my first ever Charity Kit which arrived this morning. I had forgotten that P*p*l gives you the address. Now I have to remeber to keep my raffle ticket safe.

  10. Very useful article, I am completely satisfied with your article on fabric. Thanks for sharing this post. Fabric

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