Tuesday, 5 December 2017

It started as a piece of string...

Hello friends

These weeks leading up to Christmas despite being busy
are my favourite time of year. 
I just sense that people are that little bit happier, sharing smiles.
Christmas brings with it family traditions, certain foods (Twiglets!),
jolly jumpers and always trying to put a festive hat on the dog/cat!

At the weekend our tree went up and the final decorations added last night.
One decoration in the Emberson household is a garland that really started
as a piece of string/cord and decorations get added each year.
We joke that it is going to be too heavy at some point for the mere drawing pins
that hold it in place.

I've just ordered some floristry apples to attach, I cannot resist more! 

So if you have a length of cord, ribbons (of course you do, you're a crafter!)
and some left over tree decorations I urge you to start a garland.
Everything is tied on and occasional use of a glue gun.

 Now to a die cutting crafty offering...

Note Holder die sold out within minutes last week,
more on order but in between for a last minute festive make/gift
there are still some note holder kits available here.

Also we are organising more pre-loved so please check on those over
the next few days.

Take care friends, Hump Day Giveaway tomorrow.


  1. Love your garland Christine, I feel a trip the florist wholesalers maybe in the pipeline. Note pads are great for stocking fillers. Have a great day xx

  2. Hello Christine
    I have a similar garland that goes over the fireplace, not as many cones as you, that is so pretty and will look nice with the Apples added too!
    Hope you enjoy the day!
    Love Marg

  3. Morning Christine,
    Love your garland.

  4. I love your garland Christine it is so beautiful, xxx love Anne Owens xx

  5. Hi Christine you don't have any of the5 X 7 curved matting basics for sale in the preloved dies. I really like these dies, but whether they are no longer made I am not sure. Hope you don't mind me asking. Love Anne Owens xx

    1. Hello Anne, I'm afraid the curved 5 x 7 matting basics were discontinued a while back. I've checked with suppliers but no joy - sorry :( x

  6. Hi Christine
    What a gorgeous garland. Really festive looking. Love how you add to it last year.

  7. Hi Christine, What a beautiful garland, and what a brilliant idea, you have given me 'food for thought' thank you.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Love the garland, it's gorgeous and such a good idea! xxx

  9. Thank you so much for checking for me Christine x
