Monday, 22 May 2017

4 years on...

Hello friends

A non-crafty post today about my boy...
Yesterday was 4 years since Elliott's brain surgery and 
I wanted to write a post to mark that, a diary entry if you like.

I would like to say it has gone quickly but truthfully it feels longer and Elliott agrees.
It is difficult to remember a time when there was no 
injections, scans, medication and appointments but given a choice
there is no contest...

His tumour is still there but dormant, I often talk to it and tell it to stay that way!
I've mentioned before we are a family with rather a dark sense of humour
but without it I think we would have drowned.

The photo above is the night before his surgery in 2013
 and he wore his favourite t-shirt.
That's now become a bit of a tradition...



This year so far marks two special events:
The publication of Paperhearts and Summer Kisses.

Discussing 'our story' meant revisiting a difficult time but 
chatting to Carole was a cathartic process.  
Carole captured the close relationship I have with Elliott, that was
very important to me.  Following publication I had people
question whether that is true, surely no teenage boy would behave like that?
Well, you don't know my Elliott :)

My family asked why a lot of the medical details were not included 
but that would have made it exceptionally heavy reading.
Those who have been following my blog for all these years may
recall the radiotherapy trauma, sitting every evening at home with 
Elliott next to me wearing a huge blue mask to try to become accustomed to it!
That mask is still in his room - he does not want to part with it...
And him laying in a cardboard box for hours on end to try to come
to terms with MRI scans - those felt like long days for us all.

Another special event ...
Elliott being accepted at Greenwich University.

At the point of Elliott's surgery he had just sat his GCSE's.
The surgeon told me that he could not imagine how anyone could get through 
them knowing what was about to happen. 
Not only did he pass but he applied for college to study further
and has now been accepted at Greenwich University.
Since diagnosis he took just one year out for being unwell.

So here he is today over 6 feet tall, towers over every other family member.

The 'Blink 182' t-shirt really is too small for him now but we cannot part with it.
He still has to take a cocktail of meds every day, still has scans, blood tests,
injections, eye tests but never complains. 
Honestly - I don't know how he does it but I couldn't love my boy more.

Crafty stuff resumes tomorrow :)


  1. Morning Christine and Boys.
    Thank you for telling Elliotts story I have followed you all the way.
    I don't always leave a message, my coputer is to
    Good luck for the future Elliott. take care and have fun Kitty.

  2. Morning Christine and Boys.
    Thank you for telling Elliotts story I have followed you all the way.
    I don't always leave a message, my coputer is to
    Good luck for the future Elliott. take care and have fun Kitty.

  3. Love following your journey on your blog and with the book. It brilliant to see how much elliott has grown and triumphed. You should be very very proud of yourself and your family, you have done and are doing a fabuluous job x xhazel

  4. You should be proud Christine. I have 4 boys and I know how precious they are and I don't know how you have all coped. Elliot is a handsome young man with lots to look forward to, university for starters, so good luck Ellliot xxxxx

  5. I've followed you both along the last 4 years, Elliott looks fantastic and what a wonderful finale to be going to university this year. Well done to both of you.


  6. I know all mothers are proud when their children are accepted for university, but you and Elliott have much more to be proud of than the rest of us. Well done for being such a fighter, Elliott!

  7. I've also followed Elliott's journey over the years, and every time I read about his bravery and achievements, I do so with a tear in my eye. He is a very special young man and he has a very special Mum. Wishing Elliott all the best of luck at Uni, and look forward to following his adventure.
    Chris xx

  8. Hello Christine
    I can't believe its that long I have followed all the way and like you think Elliott is such a strong and determined lad!
    I hope Uni goes well for him!
    Love Marg

  9. Four long years Christine , all the obstacles and hurdles Elliott has dealt with he has come such a long way and is a lovely looking hunk .
    Well done Elliott enjoy your University years .

    Elaine H X

  10. Morning Christine,
    Having followed you since the start of Elliot' journey you had me very emotional this morning, Elliot is an amazing your man, good luck to him when he starts UNI.

  11. Hi Christine

    Wow I am sat here with "Happy" tears in my eyes what an amazing journey Elliott has been on. I have followed it with you all the way. I and am so proud to know you and your lovely Mum. I feel as though I know Elliott he is such a
    charming handsome young man and so very very brave. I wish him good luck and
    be proud of your achievements enjoy UNI which I am sure you will it looks a
    fantastic Building and Greenwich is a great place.

    Luv n hugs Annxx

  12. Hi Christine and Elliot...
    So good to be able to put faces to names, and even better to hear that Elliot is doing so well and about to set off on a new adventure at Uni, what a star!
    Thanks to you I'm getting my crafting mojo back after losing it for a while.. I'm only a novice so it takes a while to do things but I get there...can't stamp but now discovered (thanks to your blog) how to make my own sentiments...quite made my day to be able to do this...(hubby has now replenished the ink in the printer haha).
    Enjoy uni Elliot and keep on churning out the butterflies and hearts :-)
    Have to post this as anonoymous cos I can't work out how to deal with the profile bit!
    Take care both of you...Melonie Pickering xx

  13. A fabulous post and so pleased to see Elliot looking well and going to Greenwich Uni! Well done Elliot.

  14. Wel done Elliott. Have followed your journey all the way and hope all goes well at Uni.

  15. I have happy tears in my eyes and all I can say is Yay! Go Elliott! xxx

  16. I'm very touched form this post and your story! I'm so happy for Elliot and for your family! I wish you the best! A big hug from Italy!!! I'm so close to you for what it's happened in Manchester yesterday... : (

  17. I think everything has been said by other folk but thank you Christine and Elliott for being brave enough to share your story. Truly inspirational that all the family has kept going through the darkest of times and now so much to look forward at university. My very best wishes Jackie xx

  18. Followed you from when you first told us about Elliot...It truly inspired me and we often talk about you both in our family when we get updates etc x You are all so brave and positive and I thank you so much for sharing x Great to see how Elliot has come on, how he's grown and mapped out a wonderful future for himself. Keep on sharing and inspiring....Thank you x
