Sunday, 12 November 2017

Remembrance Sunday

Hello friends

On this important day I thought I would share something
with you, a little bit of my family history.

This is a letter written home from my Great Uncle Walter,
also known as Sapper Walter Woodward No.14539513
He wrote this letter home to his Mum whilst on active service,
28 June 1945.  We don't know for sure where he was when he wrote this
but he does state seven thousand miles from good old England.

Impressive handwriting but for ease I have typed a transcript of the letter below.

My Dear Mother.  

Just a few lines hoping this letter will find you all in the best of health
as it leaves me the same at present.  Well Mother the weather is not too bad here 
but we keep on getting showers of rain.  
Well Mum my Dolly told me about Bill having fourteen days,
all I hope he does not come out here,it is not so good out here as people paint it.
Well I expect my brother Len is still in Holland, please remember me to him when you 
write to him.  Well Mother, my mate and I went to town on Wednesday June 27 and
we did have a good feed, what do you think we had? A leg of chicken and two 
eggs for dinner and the same for tea so we did not do so bad did we.
Well how is little Brian getting on? I bet he is just as saucy as ever.
Well Mother, I expect your little garden begins to look nice now.  
Please will you give my love to all at home.
Well Mother, I will be glad when I can come home again and see you all once
more like I used to do.  Nobody knows what it is like to be right away
from home, seven thousand miles from good old England.
All I can say is it is a shame that men like me should come out here 
while there is tens of thousands of young men in England.
Well Mother, do not worry about me as I am OK so now I must say 
good afternoon and God bless you all from your loving Son 

I've read this letter many times, it moves me how the language is fairly formal 
but also there is a true sense of sadness and genuine home sickness.
Some of the references: 
Dolly (Dorothy is his wife) they married and were both together till very old age.
He refers at one point to ' how is little Brian getting on', this is my Dad,
he's all grown up now!

A snippet of history written many years ago by a very young man,
in a strange place wishing he was at home.
Who could possibly know that one day his letter would be shared via technology 
that would be way beyond his wildest imagination.

Take care friends.


  1. What a fab piece of family history for you to treasure. It is certainly apt for 11/11. Sam x

  2. Hi Christine
    Thank you for sharing your letter with us, it brought a tear to my eye
    Pat x

  3. Wonderfully moving letter, Fabulous card Christine, thank you for sharing xx hazel

  4. Hi Christine
    Thank you for sharing your treasured piece of family history with us today, made me feel very emotional.
    Chris xx

  5. Morning Christine. A wonderful letter for your family to cherish. Thank you xx

  6. Hello Christine
    Nice to have some family history to share!
    So sad when its Poppy Day makes it all so real, and still the fireworks go off around me.
    Take care
    Love Marg

  7. Morning Christine,
    Asad day for many families. Thanks for sharing your lovely family letter.

  8. How lovely for the letter to have been kept all these years-a great piece of history.

    Lovely card-very fitting for today.


  9. Having a piece of family history in the form of a hand written letter is a wonderful keepsake and memory of your relatives. Good or bad they all make up a lifetime of memories. Love your card Christine.
    VCCumbria xx

  10. I had a tear in my eye while reading Christine , a lovely memory for you on this sad day for so many .
    Lovely card
    Elaine H X

  11. A wonderful piece of history Christine, so sad and so real too. x

  12. Hi Christine, Very moving and very poignant. 'We will never forget'
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  13. Hi Christine, what a beautiful letter and what a wonderful piece of family history. How wonderful that he made it home.
    Rene from OZ x

  14. Hi Christine

    What an interesting post .. I really enjoyed reading your Uncle's letter. Thank you for sharing that.

    I can remember visiting a tank museum once and whilst my hubby and sons were going round the tanks I stood and read a whole cabinet full of letters like this .. .. and finished up with a very soggy hankie. It must have been so awful to have lived through the wars, for those left worrying at home and those sent away.

    So pleased your Uncle and his wife lived to a nice old age together!

    A lovely and fitting card from you as well.

    Love Jules xx
