Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Craving for Spring...

Hello friends

So yesterday was festive and today is more Spring-like,
I'm all over the place!
I normally like this time of year, the build up to Christmas but actually 
right now...I'm hating the rain.
In my attempt to drive away the dampness I made a flower -
The dies in this Crafty Flower line are easy to make and assemble.
That boy of mine has quite a few in the pre-loved section of the website here.

The box is Square Petal Top Box (apparently in a sale on the website here!)

Thank you to those who purchased the Charity Kit announced yesterday,
there's still some left but not many!

I am getting ready for demoing this weekend, I'm off to Hampshire -
Emerald Crafts in Lyndhurst, 
yes the New Forest, I spent many a holiday there as a child.
All the details are on their news page here.
Hoping if you live that way you can pop along and say hello.

Take care friends and don't forget your brolly!


  1. Lovely petal box and flower Christine certainly brightens up a dull wet miserable day xx hazel

  2. Lovely project-perfect for a wet & windy day, brightens things up.


  3. Such a pretty box and so useful Christine especially at Christmas time .
    We were thinking of going away for the weekend ? typical all this lovely weather we have had and i pick a date when its wet and miserable , doh .
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  4. Hi Christine, I love this pretty little box. love Jean Z xx

  5. Hello Christine
    Have a nice day today!
    Love the Delicate Flower and the Ribbons!
    Love marg

  6. Morning Christine,
    A very pretty box, love it.

  7. Such a pretty box Christine, gorgeous flower which really sets it off.
    Overcast and dry here at the moment, hope it remains that way too!
    Janice x

  8. Morning Christine, I'm loving your box and the beautiful flower, gorgeous !!
    I'm with you on the rain, I wish it would go away too, we have had nearly constant rain for 3 days now !! I am missing the brightness already.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  9. Hi Christine. Love your box & flower!! Have a lovely time on Saturday- whenever we go down to The New Forest Emerald Crafts takes priority even over a visit to Costa!!! The shop is a real Aladdin's cave & well worth a visit.

  10. Hi Christine,
    What a beautiful flower in such a lovely shade.
    I've only been to the New Forest once and I loved it especially all the lovely horses. It was in 1971 and as a newly married couple my husband and I rented a camper van and parked in a lovely spot. In fact it was there that I got pregnant with my oldest child. Barrie is 43 now but I still have happy mmories of the New Forest.
    Love Val in Spain x

  11. Hello Christine
    I too am hating the rain and the dark mornings too. Your lovely flower has been the brightest thing I have seen all day, thank you.
    But I have to say a trip to the New Forest would cheer me up too. I hope you have a lovely time crafting and chatting.
    Take care
