Sunday, 20 September 2015

Chipboard Book and a Day Out!

Hello friends

Over on the Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L's blog a new project of mine
has gone live - all the details are here.
It features a step by step tutorial to make a chipboard book/album.
The chipboard pieces are from here.
It's a kit to make a gatefold album but I chose to be different!
There are lots of chipboard parts left over for future projects.
The dies to decorate are Floral Bundle and Pretty Petal C.
I also used some of the Lace Ribbon - love this, such excellent quality.

Today I'm off to the Handmade Fair at Hampton Court,
a bit of a last minute decision and all thanks to Janice Rohde for offering us some tickets.
Thank you Janice, so looking forward to a day out and the sun is shining too!
I will be back with pictures...

Take care friends.


  1. Morning Christine, I'm loving this little album and every embellishment you have added, really lovely.
    I hope you have a great day out at the Handmade Fair. We have a misty morning here, so fingers crossed wi will have a lovely day too.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  2. Morning Christine, I'm loving this little album and every embellishment you have added, really lovely.
    I hope you have a great day out at the Handmade Fair. We have a misty morning here, so fingers crossed wi will have a lovely day too.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  3. Hi Christine, Beautiful album so pretty,
    looks like we are going to have a lovely day fingers crossed. love Jean Z xxx

  4. Lovely book, I can see what you mean about the ribbon. Have a wonderful time x xhazel

  5. Hi Christine
    Your little book is lovely ,i like the Tutorial on the S/A page the tape looks a must have .
    Have a lovely day at the fair and take lots of pics for us please .
    Elaine H X

  6. Morning Christine,
    A lovely project, hope you have a wonderful day.

  7. Hello Christine
    A very pretty little book. Have a wonderful day out.
    Take care

  8. Great project, it look really lovely. Hope you have a brilliant day out.


  9. Lovely little book today Christine, so prettily decorated.
    I'm so pleased you were able to use my tickets for Hampton Court today, I'm sure you and your Mum will have a lovely day there, perfect weather too. A friend of mine went there on Friday with her Mum and they enjoyed it. Look forward to seeing the photos.
    Janice x

  10. Lovely book Christine. Lots of ideas there.

  11. It's gorgeous! I hope you had a great day at Hampton Court
